Here is another section of my evaluation. This will probably be the biggest one. I want to evaluate my work with 'The Girls' and my own personal work after. They are two main areas and i think its easier to answer the relevant questions separately.
OK first i want to talk about 'The Girls'
Why i did it?
I choose to work with the girls because instantly saw the potential of what i could do. I choose to do the cut out wardrobe because like my other work it involves getting the public to help. I like work when there are levels you can reach and the work still develops even when you have finished. (the girls finished at the end of April and my feedback is still coming in)
I was so happy with the outcomes of working with the girls. I got such good reviews from the people around me. I was also with really happy with how my concept became a reality. I wasn't sure whether what i had in my head could work well with the public. But people of all ages (as you can see from the photos) had loads of fun and the people that were of the right age understood about the 1980's and remember the magazine.
Of course every project has issues! First off mine was how to actually make the cut outs my first thought was to use foam board which would have been a great material but was way (way) to expensive. I managed to get round this and brought corrugated card, and i think this worked even better! Other issues were how was i going to get the photos of the public up and other small details like that but they soon got resolved. I think that was the good thing about working on the ive projects things (as funny as it sounds) can be changed quickly.
What i learnt?
I learnt u number of things. How to work with professional people and to deal with other peoples deadlines and not just your own. I learnt how easy it is to make contacts when you just put yourself out there (and smile!) I learnt that it is hard work and you have to keep on top of yourself. You cant get annoyed or just take a break because your get frustrated you have to deal with problems on the spot. I learnt that i work very well with people, however i don't think i would be very good on my own. I can produce good ideas by myself but need people around me to help polish off the final idea.
Other work in this project (website and pdf)
Why i did it?
From the beginning i new that i wanted to create my own brand. I needed to set myself up now so that going into 3rd i new that i had something to work with. I wanted to gather all previous work and present it in a neat and professional way so that it was easy for potential customers to access. I created my logo so that people can start to recognise me, and from working with the girls this has definitely helped.
My outcomes were at first clear but then i became undecided. I wasn't sure if i should go straight for a whole website and perfecting my logo or to take my time and maybe not have a finished result. I am glad i decided to make a pdf of my work and not put it straight onto my website. I felt that i could get a better result from indesign but still have the original live aspect of my website.
Many issues occurred such as what to do about my website, and also whether i was going to be able to get to grips with the extent of indesign. I over came some of these issues by collaborating with other students to help. I do wish i could of created a full website with all my work. But i am happy with the start i have made.
What i learnt?
I learnt that nothing is as easy as it seems. You have to work quickly but at the same time let your ideas develop and evolve in their own way. I learnt that there are always people willing to help but its definitely better to know how to do it yourself rather than asking that person every 5mins of how to do something.