What i will do next/in the future?
From this experience i have learnt that its easy to become apart of the fashion industry and you have to constantly be on top of everything you do as well as communicating with other people just as well. I want to develop my logo more, it think it needs to be worked on. I definitely want to look into how i can use my logo in promotional strategies because i think this could be a really fun aspect. I also definitely want to develop my website and eventually add my work to it. I want to develop my skills further in indesign, photoshop and illustrator. I also want to have my own knowledge of how to run and website.
I want to develop my theme that i have picked up on which is interactive. I love this theme and i think it encapsulates what my work it all about!
Overall i am so happy with what i have achieved so far from this project my work has been in -
2 publications
3 websites
and 1 video
I think that's something to be proud of and i am very excited to see what i can do in thee future.